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Stories of forceful child removal in Norway

As Norwegian media doesn't allow insight into the reality of what is done to families in the country, victimized families desperately publish their stories through other channels. The videos here are owned by ther respective owners. First time published unknown.

Why Did They Take My Children

A mother denounces snatching of her children by Norwegian authorities.

My Story

A life story told by a survivor of being forcefully removed from his parents.

Caroline, Taken by Force

A small child is brutally taken from her parents. Norwegian video.

Forceful Child Removal, by Norwegian Authorities

This video is an actual recording of how Norwegian authorities remove children from their homes by force.

The Stolen Children of Dayane

A Brazilian mother warns about the Norwegian policy of taking children from minorities. Her story has also been published in Brazilian media,

                   in Portuguese,

and an other article,in  English and Norwegian,

A child's call for help

A video made by a child who is denied contact with his family. He has called his video "life under childcare of norwegian insitution just watch to 2:50 the rest is just somting shity".

Please watch to see what he believes to be "somting shity".

Michael, a Tribute

The story of Michael, is a story of many children who die under state custody, denied contact with their loved ones.

Indian children taken.

Polish community victims of child snatching.

A victim's story

News about forceful removal of children in Norway. Poland.

American father telling about being terrorized for two decades by Norwegian authorities.

Diplomatic row, Russia.

A video showing a six year old girl being pressured into admitting abuse. Psychologist Turid Kavli filmed creating memories about abuse on her victim.

- You have to say it, you know, otherwise we never finish, Kavli says to the girl in the video, recorded around 2002.

The terrified girl honestly responds:

-But I have not done it.

Kavli says to comfort the girl: - We do not mean you have done something wrong,  but someone has done something.

She explains the girl that it is important to be honest, so the doctor can check her

-So the doctor can see that something happened to your buttom, Kavli says.

After four hours of interrogation, and 22 refusals to admitting to have been abused, eventually the little girl lies to finish off the interrogation. 

Note that Turid Kavli has received the King's Medal of Merit for this work at Malvik Traumesenter, setting the guidelines for other psychologist working with children.


One of the families split up by Norwegian authoritiesThe social services (Barnevernet) claim even seeing each other, is dangering the children, as in many other cases.

Angry Man

Film shown to children in Norway, after removed from their parents. If the child is scared, it is interpreted as a sign of abuse, and used as "evidence" in court processes, bearing resemblance to secret trials.

Social worker deliberately sabotaging visitation rights,  set by the court. Norwegian audio.

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