Propaganda and un-ethical human research in Norway today
Massive propaganda is implemented in Norwegian media and on YouTube to mask terror and forceful child-removal from targeted families, as child-protection. The indoctrination-process is introduced as early as in primary school, and portraits the Norwegian social services- workers as persons who save families. Through the indoctrination, people are also taught to be suspicious of everything out of the ordinary, and to report their friends and family, collegues and neighbours, to the state.
Massive campaigns for the recruitment of foster-families have been held for years.
Take a look at the recruitment methods used.
The propaganda, indoctrination and foster-care campaigns, have been carried out by Norwegian authorities after publication of the death tolls in state custody, most disturbingly the high occurance of suicide in children.
A disturbing number of children are abducted shortly after birth. Read the stories: Stolen
Sara. Primary-school indoctrination.
Sarah arrives late at school because she is busy tucking in her mother, and is finally saved by the social services, Barnevernet.
Information video about how nice and helpful people work in social services, with long experience in helping.
Foster care campaign
One of many campaigns to promote foster-care.
My Family Council -A Film for Children
Propaganda and indoctrination-movie for children
Foster care campaign
A movie about two young men, that finally got offered job-training and a job after getting into the foster-care system.
From a mothers perspective
This video is about a mother being tired, and telling that she is told by the doctor that she is mentally ill. The children arrive late at the kindergarten, and are not picked up at the same time as usual. The grandmother helps out with the children. The family is saved by the worker from Barnevernet, who comes to remove the children from their home.
are organized for the recruitment of fosterparents, see link
Foster-parents are recruited on Facebook, with the promise of economical compensation to stay at home with the foster-children. Link
The Norwegian Royal Family
has also involved itself politically, as the Crown Prince launched a foster-care campaign in 2011. Link
used in campaigns to promote foster-care.
(Mia Gundersen, pic. has officially announced herself mommy to a 16 year old foster-boy, without showing concideration to the boy or his family.) Link

Actual foster-care campaign in Harstad, Norway, 2011.
Flyers have been handed out at malls, in people's mail boxes, and at sports arrangements, stands have been put up at public places, to recruit new foster-homes. Link

"Looking for speed and exitement?"
An actual adverticement for a vacancy as an executive at the Norwegian child protection agency (Barnevernet), Larvik, 2012

"A good childhood lasts a life time." August, 2014
"Sissel" thanks the social services for taking her children. Link
I am a foster-home-child with a sunny story
My mother is a wonderful woman and mother who has always thought of us kids. She has given us everything we have needed of material things, monitoring, love and care. She is what I would call the perfect mother. But we were influencing each other too much.
We choose foster-children
An ad from the state fosterhome recruitment agency, Buf-etat, dressed as a personal story.
Note that normal nomenclature for parents, is replaced with bio-parents, and foster-mommy.
They also run a propaganda-blog, Fostermamma, (Fostermommy), disguiced as a personal blog, published on a public site,, visited by many mothers and mothers to be.
-We have been prepared that sleep and meals can be a challenge because the child is stressed, but it still hurts my heart when the treasure cannot sleep, cries and is confused.
- The best thing we have experienced so far was probably the first time the little treasure of ours came to us for comfort. The small arms that stretched towards me and the little voice that called «baba».
"Parents with good economy are more supportive towards their children
Yougsters feel that parents are less supportive and helping if the economy of the family is poor. And the worse the economy gets, the worse the relationship. "
Say state researchers for NOVA, Jon Ivar Elstad and Kari Stefansen,
Their work is also published in English:
Impossible to control
"According to Aamodt, it is impossible for the child welfare service, foster parents and social care workers to regulate or control the contact children have with their parents via social media. Even if the county social welfare boards issued decisions, it would be impossible to control such contact against the wishes of the children and their parents.
–If children and parents want to keep in touch with each other, they will always find a way of doing so via social media, says Aamodt.
Today, contact between children and their parents is regulated by law when a decision is made on who should take over care of the children. When social media create possibilities for maintaining contact outside the scope of such decisions, the basis for legally regulating the contact a child has with its parents is affected."
Page in English
Persecution and human rights violations as pseudo-science

Studying children as they are separated from their parents
"Increasingly, Norwegian children are taken out of their homes as a result of acute neglect or abuse. But sudden separation from parents can be a trauma in itself. How do kids handle this? An unprecedented study by the University of Oslo provides completely new knowledge."
"Researchers in the US have for a long time wished to perform this type of studies, but have not gotten permission of ethical reasons."
Un-ethical research on children, a human right violation
International research that has been accepted as guidelines by developed countries for not separating children from their family-members, is disregarded by Norwegian authorities, as the country developes it's own research on children forcefully removed from their homes.
It may be noted here that the Norwegian school system has been ranked at bottom level internationally, and as the Norwegian school to a wide degree consists of indoctrination without proper knowledge, many immigrants choose to send their children to attend school in their countries of origin, to offer them a sufficient education.

Note that this research was started the same year as the Crown Prins of Norway launched a massive campaign for foster-homes.
The Norwegian child welfare-"guru", Kari Killén points out the importance of all fields in contact with children, to look for signs of neglect, that in her opinion, happens in 20% of families, where children need a safe attachment outside of the family, she teaches other employees in the social sector:
Note that Killén as well, has received The King's Medal of Merit for her work, that is the foundation of forceful separation of families in Norway.
Degrading treatment of children
An actual adverticement for a fosterhome on a public page on Facebook:
"Foster-home wanted
Boy 10 years needs a safe home!
Brusetkollen shall find a foster home for a 10 year old boy. The boy has several positive sides, as well as challenges that require daily facilitation and follow-up.
Reinforced foster-care means that the child moves in with you for a period of several years. One of the adults in the family will receive a salary for facilitating the child full time, elevated expenses, regular counseling and close monitoring by Brusetkollen. Pension plan.
The boy will be at visiting home some weekends and during some holidays. Own children should be more than 15 years.
We encourage families with commitment and space for a new family member to apply, especially you who have been foster-homes before.
For more info see or call
Elin Flatebø / Pål Iversen tel: 66 98 79 00.
Written application with information about the family sent to...."
Interested families reply publicly on Facebook.

"This strong film about what a foster-home might mean for an abused child, can change your life"
"The carrying beam in Killén's work is the emphasis on early diagnosis of neglect, early diagnosis of severe attachment disorder and prevention through education of health care employees to sharper observation.
In addition, making contacts with vulnerable parents and interdisciplinary collaboration between child welfare, primary and secondary health services, social services, schools and police are central her tireless activities."
Here we get an overview into more un-ethical research, and from page 125, we see a recipe for miscarriage of justice, how to make a false case against parents merely based on accusation.
Norwegian PDF, a tribute to Kari Killén
"The woman holds her baby tight.
Then the policemen take action. Pressing her against the stove, breaking her arms backwards so the baby falls. The woman from social services grabs the falling baby, and runs out with the caseworker.
With them the baby - wearing diapers, purple pajamas and purple socks. Outside there is a couple of degrees below zero.
The little girl is screaming. Nobody has asked mom what the baby needs; of food, sleep, cuddle and all other needs a seven-month-old baby has.
The women has had her shoulder dislocated and is in agony. She tells that the police put her on the floor and handcuffed her. She feels helpless there on the floor, and in despair she bites one of the policemen.
The policemen halfway carries her out to the uniformed police car. She faints three times just on the way out.
The police drives her to the emergency room. On the way she throws up."
A disturbing number of parents in Norway experience their child forcefully removed shortly after birth. Hospitals have developed guide-lines for how to prepare the abductions:

"I got to hold him fifteen minutes on my chest and my partner got to have him in his arms for 3 minutes. A pediatrician came immediately as a mechanical robot and seemed quite stressed to get Tobias away from us as quickly as possible, she apologized that he was poor and had to go to observation.
My partner knew this was merely a pretext to take him from us, as he has medical experience. He has worked as a paramedic, and is a a trained medic from military. He saw that Tobias was not cyanotic nor had tremors and had nice color and seemed fresh and normal. This was confronted by my partner, whereupon the pediatrician believed that this was for the best interests to be on the safe side, it was best that he came with her. The pediatrician pointed out that we had to say firmly "goodbye" to him before she disappeared, we got to kiss himand then she went off with big and quick steps from there.
That was the last we saw of our dear Tobias."
"When the police and Barnevernet arrived at the hospital to take the three-day-old baby, the child's mother punched and kicked the police. Now she is sentenced to a suspended prison sentence for violence against the police."
"He was born 20, 21 o'clock at night. Then they arrived the next day at 10-12 o'clock He was not twelve hours old before they came and tore him out of our hands, the child's father tells."

"A different kind of home-party
Will you spend a few hours to help children who need a new, good home?"
Norway has been criticized for too many children in foster-care by the United Nations, latest in 2014.
This is how the criticizm is met:
"I feel priviliged to be a foster-mum
The three friends plan actively to go for the recruitment of more foster parents at Vega through home-parties. They think of all the children who need a home and all who have the opportunity to give them just that. They dared to open the home and have not regretted it since."
"Waiting for a foster-mommy"
Life-like dolls have been placed out at public places as a campaign to recruit new foster-homes.
Pic. buf-etat.

The Arctic Race of Norway and Buf-etat, the Norwegian foster-home recruitment agency, will use the Arctic Race for the recruitment of new foster-homes, with the Queen of Norway as their official protector.
According to their press release, they will together
"honor foster families, increase knowledge about the need in the region, recruiting more foster-homes and focus on the importance of being able to provide foster-children positive interests and experiences." says iTromsø, June 11th, 2015.
(pic. iTromsø)

Arctic Race manager, Knut-Eirik Dybdal, (to the left) and regional director, Bufetat, Pål Christian Bergstrøm.